This Digital Download includes all 42 videos for the entire 2019 The Last Days of Jesus Conference. It also includes a free PDF download of the Conference Notebook.
- Teaching on Content and the Theme of the Conference
- Introduction of Faculty
- Caesarea Phillipi
- Raising of Lazarus
- Context of the Gospels
- Zacchaeus and the Gospel For Us All
- Parable of the Minas
- Exodus & Passover Context
- The Prophets & Palm Sunday
- Cloaks
- Palm Branches
- Psalms (Songs Tap Into Stories
- Tears
- Rescue of the Demoniac
- Q & A (Rescue of the Demoniac)
- Cleansing of the Temple (Confronting the Sadducees)
- Cursing of the Fig Tree (Confronting Jewish Leadership)
- Questioning Jesus' Authority (Confronting Priests & Elders)
- Paying the Imperial Tax (Confronting Pharisees & Herodians)
- Jesus Anointed at Bethany
- The Last Supper Seating Protocol
- Washing the Disciples' Feet
- The New Covenant and Four Cups of Passover
- The Fifth Cup
- The Arrest
- Judas
- Jesus Before the Sanhedrin
- Peter Disowns Jesus Thrice
- Pilate's Predicament
- Q & A (from Day 2)
- Barabbas - The Federal Man Who Took Our Place
- Flogging and Method of Crucifixion
- Jesus' Final Words in Matthew, Mark & John
- Jesus' Final Words in Luke
- Tearing of the Curtain & Implications
- The Resurrection according to John 20
- The Resurrection First Witnessed by Women
- The Road to Emmaus
- Jesus Meets With His Disciples
- The Restoration of Peter
- Planning the Passion to Perfection
- Closing Q & A (from day 3)
2019 PDF Notebook
This PDF notebook contains 170 pages of notes, resources and recommended sources of each presentation from the 2019 The Last Days of Jesus Conference.
**Comes as a PDF download**