A 3-day event that teaches you how to study the Bible in its original context.
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Are Any of These True of You?
- Do you want to study the Bible with greater confidence?
- Do you desire to grow in your relationship with God?
- Do you ever wonder if there’s more to the Bible than what you’re reading?
- Would you like a year’s worth of content for your teaching, preaching, or Bible study?
If so, this conference is for you.
Buy ConferencesLatest Conference Topic:
"John: His Life, Legacy & Last Words"
John is unquestionably one of the central characters of the New Testament.
John was a disciple.
John was the caretaker of Mary after Jesus's death.
John was a pastor to the churches in Asia.
John was a writer who penned a gospel and three epistles.
And then there's Revelation.
Something about this man led Jesus to entrust him with the final words in Scripture. He's seen a vision of the end and has words for us in the present.
In a sense, he's the Church's first elder statesman. He was there in Galilee with Jesus in the beginning, and he's there in Asia at the end of the first century leading and guiding the church as its expanding to the ends of the earth.
90% of John's gospel includes material that doesn't show up in the other gospels. And there's a reason for that. He's writing last. He's got a specific audience in Asia, and he's had six decades for the Jesus story to simmer in his memory and heart. Many of us don't realize how multi-dimensional his life was and how critical it was to the expansion of the Jesus movement. As a result, we misunderstand and misinterpret things he wrote, and also miss out on so much of what he was saying.
So how does one gain this critical learning? By attending this conference!
Who is this conference for?
- Followers of Jesus
- Pastors
- Priests
- Professors
- Bible Teachers
- Bible Study Leaders
- Missionaries
- High School Students
- College Students
- Seminary Students
As a pastor, what IBC offers is precisely the depth and sustenance I want to devour for myself, as well as offer those I have the privilege to teach. The conference isn’t about getting people to come to church, but it’s about growing and equipping those who are the Church—which is a tremendous and much needed gift.
- Wally H.The IBC conference is an amazing journey back to the time and culture the scripture was written into. The lights will go on about the meaning of scripture as you see it in its original context. However; IBC is not merely an intellectual exercise, you will fall more in love with our God and committed to His plans and purposes.
- Susan L.As a student hungry to understand the Word of God more deeply, IBC has been formational to my understanding of scriptural context. Reading and studying the Bible has become more exciting than ever before. It was as if somebody took a black and white film and brought it to life with color!
- Ben M.Faculty

Brad Gray
President and CEO of Walking The Text, author of “Make Your Mark,” trip leader to Israel and Turkey, studied at Jerusalem University College.
Extended Bio
Dr. Cyndi Parker
Founding Director of Narrative of Place, the host of the "Context Matters" podcast, and the Director of Education and Conversation at Resurrection Philadelphia.
Extended Bio
Brad Nelson
Content Director of Walking The Text, leads trips to Bible Lands, and has served as a faculty member of the Infusion Bible Conference since 2019.
Extended Bio
Dr. Randy Smith
Founder of Great Commission Bible Institute and Christian Travel Study Programs, writer, trip leader to Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey, Greece, Cyprus and Italy, studied at Hebrew University, Ecole Biblique, and Jerusalem Center for Biblical Studies.
Extended BioContent covered
- John as Disciple, Pastor, Writer, Caretaker, Revelator, and Church's 1st Elder Statesman
- Roman Legal Language as the Interpretive Key to 1 John
- How Jesus's Discipleship of John Impacted His Ministry
- False Teaching + the Necessity of Good Leadership in John's Epistles
- The Design and Purpose of John's Gospel
- Evidence and Reasoning for John's Exile on Patmos
- Why 90% of John's Gospel is New Material
- Apocalyptic Literature and How to Read Revelation Responsibly
- How Ephesus Became a Major Christian Center
- The Overlooked Contextual Background for Each of the Seven Churches
- The Biggest Headaches John Faced
- Setting Revelation & Christian Persecution in Its Roman Context
And So Much More...

One of the massive benefits you’ll receive by purchasing the conference is the IBC Notebook (hands down, a crowd favorite). It contains outlines, notes, and sources for every presentation so you’ll be able to fully enjoy the presentations, get all the notes you need, and not have to scramble to write everything down. Past participants have stated that the notebook alone is worth the price of admission.